Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for funding?

In order to be considered for approval, all applicants must live in the states of Virginia, DC, or Maryland, and the pet must have a confirmed diagnosis of cancer* prior to FETCH a Cure’s receipt of the application.

*Certain exceptions may be considered for a feline diagnosis.

How do I apply?

There are two parts to the application process: your personal application and a medical application from your veterinarian. You can download the application here. A pet must be approved before funding will be issued. No retroactive payments can be made for treatment.

What is the turnaround time for an application?

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. The average turnaround time is one week from receipt of both the personal application and medical application. Turnaround time will be no more than two weeks.

Who decides whether my pet gets approved?

Cases are reviewed and decided on by our Companions in Crisis Board. The Board is comprised of veterinary practitioners who specialize in cancer treatment.

How much of my pet’s treatment will be funded?

FETCH will award between 20-40% of the treatment cost. Award percentage is determined based upon sliding scale income brackets.

Why would an applicant be denied for funding assistance?

An applicant may be denied if the pet’s prognosis is less than 4 months or the board does not have substantial evidence to approve the application.

Can I reapply for CIC funding? How does that work?

Yes! If you wish to “renew” the application, the process will be just as if you were applying for the first time. Applicants may reapply 4 months after the initial award.

What is the volunteer commitment?

FETCH a Cure is largely fueled by our volunteers. In order to continue funding our Companions in Crisis program, volunteer participation is vital. By accepting the Companions in Crisis award, you agree to support FETCH through a volunteer commitment.  Email to inquire about volunteer opportunities and review our Volunteer Handbook here.


Please direct any questions about the Companions in Crisis program to or call (804) 793-8348.