FETCH Feature: Myko (Companions in Crisis)
At FETCH a Cure, we encounter quite a few dogs and cats. Through our Companions in Crisis (CIC) and Pixie’s Pen Pals programs, we have helped hundreds of animals. What many people don’t think about, however, is that when an animal becomes a CIC Recipient or a Pen Pals participant, they become part of the FETCH a Cure family. That doesn’t end when they leave our programs. We have built a community in which families stay connected with us long after their original participation. We love seeing pictures of their new lives and keeping up with how they are doing, and we want to share that with everyone. So, we will be posting weekly FETCH Features about our animals. These will include Pen Pals dog alumni, past CIC recipients, and dogs that are currently up for adoption through the Pen Pals program.
Meet Myko, a Companions in Crisis Recipient!
Myko, AKA “The Bionic Dog”, was adopted by her family at 7 months old and underwent 4 surgeries over 7 years to correct her severe hip dysplasia in both hips and her bad knees. This past January, after she presented more issues with her hind legs, she had a fifth surgery and a biopsy. Unfortunately, the results confirmed her family’s suspicions: Myko had osteosarcoma.
In February, her doctor placed her into a clinical trial at Johns Hopkins using a STING injection. Everyone was very excited and hopeful that this trial would help Myko, and eventually one day help humans (particularly children with bone cancer). Myko also happened to be a blood donor up until 2018 when she became too old to donate.
2 weeks after her two injections, the orthopedic vet amputated her bad leg with a major hemipelvectomy surgery. Within the same 6 days, Myko’s dad had knee surgery and her human sister had a tonsillectomy– it was a busy week!
After her amputation, her pain eased and her zoomies returned. Her lungs were clear of tumors and her blood count was normal. Her appetite and energy levels were great; however, the family knew that without chemotherapy, her lifespan would end sooner than it should. So, her family reached out to FETCH for assistance and launched a fundraising page to raise the rest of the money they needed. We are happy to have Myko as a Companions in Crisis recipient for 2019, and we’re grateful for everyone who has contributed to their fundraising campaign!
So, I was able to raise enough funds to start my chemo treatments (thank you everyone). I had my first treatment last Monday and it was a breeze – I haven’t had any side effects of nausea or loss of appetite. in fact, I am quite hungry but that might be due to the ‘diet’ that Mommie put me on to lose a few pounds – she says it will make walking easier for me with a little less weight.
The other good news is that they did another x-ray on my chest before the treatment and it was clear of tumors and my blood work was normal so the nasty cancer cells haven’t gotten organized and hopefully these chemo treatments will destroy them before they have a chance to do something bad.
I go on Thursday to get my blood count checked to make sure there isn’t a drop in the white blood cells. if its low, then I get to start an antibiotic to help my immune system. Mommie is smart enough now to get the medicine in a liquid form so that I don’t find ways to spit it out of my food
I get the zoomies and play with my doggie and human friends and I am just loving life – thank you for helping me stay alive!
I have now completed 4 carboplatin treatments thanks to all of your support. My 3 month CT scan came back normal so the cancer has not spread. I’m not sure if that is due to the treatments or the special STING injection clinical trial. Doesn’t matter to me as long as I have more healthy living to do with my family. My mommie is currently researching a wheel chair for my daily walks. She thinks it will allow me to be more comfortable and actually want to walk longer without stopping. The dysplasia in my left hip is very bad and Mommie doesn’t want the bulging disc in my back to get worse so I hope she finds a wheelchair for me soon. Mommie is the best – she just wants me to be as free of pain as possible.
Back to loving life!!! Thanks again!!!!
This update is from her mom, Karen:
All I can say is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for giving me the chance to save Myko’s life. Without your funding and the fundraiser page, I would not have been able to afford the carboplatin treatments. Myko is a part of a clinical trial with Johns Hopkins but she is only the 2nd dog to receive the STING injection so no guarantee that would have prolonged her life without the carboplatin treatments.
Helping Myko
If you would like to donate to the rest of Myko’s medical care, please visit her fundraising page. 90% of funds raised will go directly toward her chemotherapy treatments, and 10% will go back into the Companions in Crisis Fund to help other pets facing a cancer diagnosis.
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