FETCH a Cure relies very heavily on its volunteers and supporters. We have a very small staff and would not be able to accomplish all that we do without our volunteers. Some of events require staffing over 100 volunteers! April is actually National Volunteers Month, but we would like to show our love to our volunteers a little bit early in honor of Valentine’s Day.
Our Companions in Crisis program provides funding to families who could not otherwise afford cancer treatments for their dogs or cats. If approved, we generally pay about 20 to 40 percent of the total treatment cost to the treating veterinarian. We do not ask recipients to pay us back, but we do ask them to pay it forward by volunteering for us for ten hours a month for one year from the time that funds are awarded. We offer a lot of different ways for people to volunteer. Some are very happy doing some office work. Others would rather be out and about in the community – pouring beer at a street festival, doing check-in at our annual Gala, driving people around in a golf cart at our annual golf tournament, or handing out brochures about FETCH a Cure to pet-friendly businesses.
We welcome volunteers of all ages and abilities. We have had kids as young as five come in and help us do some office work. We have a group of adults with intellectual disabilities who take great pride in stuffing snack bags with dog treats for our Holiday Bone Trees every year. Some middle school-aged and high-school aged children volunteer because they need community service hours for their schools. Others show up just because they love animals.
We enjoy meeting so many different people from all different walks of life. Some of our volunteers are amazing and show up year after year whenever needed, or will be there in an emergency situation, like driving out to one of the correctional centers to take a Pen Pals dog to the veterinarian. We at FETCH a Cure are very grateful to all of our volunteers and are constantly inspired by their dedication and hard work. We could not do it without you!
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